Emi Kersh
The new generation performer Emi Kersh discovered her addiction to music as a child. At just five years old, she composed her first song and at the age of ten she began to study production and record music on her own. However, she only turned to the professional music industry in 2018, when Emi Kersh and artist Joe Blu publicly unveiled their song ,,Heart Transplant”. She later released singles such as "Sapnuose", "Let you go" and "Ä®kvÄ—pt iškvÄ—pt". In her work, listeners can discover deep themes of self-analysis, love, sadness, loneliness that evoke extreme emotions.
Although R&B and pop culture dominate in musical decisions, many pieces synthesize different styles of music. The performer adores contrasts: she combines a stricter rhythm with a light instrument, and electronics with live instruments. In some of the works, one can hear unconventional use of instruments, such as church organs or retro synthesizers in hip hop, trap-style music.